Join us in Winter Solstice

Be part of creating more Peace With Keith and Gurutej

Winter Solstices Workshop

With Keith and Gurutej 

Dec 21st

4-6 pm PST / 7-9 pm EST

All the Holidays are gathered around this magical time. The Tree brought inside to shed light on the darkest days. The gathering together to honor the visions of the stars, even virtually, that are more visible in the prolonged darkness. The celebrated birth of Christ Consciousness hid inside the folds of this holy day. 


Join us as the very essence of light is born. Light is best experienced in the deepest darkness. This is the darkest time of the year inviting in the first sparks of light as the cycle starts its journey back into light. Winter Solstices is one of the two most powerful times of the year to join with your community in joyous prayer, meditation, and rituals. We await you with open arms and heart. 

If Attending on Zoom, please bring: Candle to light, lighter, prayer or ritual paper and pen or markers to write, your dancing shoes to light up our lives and world. In person: candle, prayer paper and pens will be provided.


Peace to all, light to all, love to all. 

Price $54 (in person). Please pre-pay so we know the numbers love.  

Pay online or 

Venmo: Gurutej-khlasa

PayPal: [email protected] 

$40 on Zoom

Location: Los Angeles, CA 90019 (Full address given upon payment)

This Price Ends Soon

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