Sign up for a 6 week series. Why in 6 consecutive weeks, 40 days, you can shift a habit, leave it in the dust in 40 days.

So pick a class and say yes to 6 weeks. Special price for commitment. $108

Each Series will have a topic pertinent to the time of year, time on the planet and what is timely for you.

Drop in’s are welcome. Commitment is encouraged. Commitment pays. Pays you dividends.

See you in one of the classes. Don’t be like one person I met shopping that said they had carried my card around in their pocket for 2 years. I ask them what it had done for them. The answer, “Made me feel guilty.” Feel great not guilty. Show up, Do the work, don’t be attached to the results. Each the hardest till to you do it. So Just say yes!!!

Commitment and Pre-sales to all six classes $108. RSVP to [email protected] or you can pay online below.


Sundays 9:30-11am

Wednesdays 7-8:30 Pm

Location: 1310 Carmona Ave. Los Angeles, CA, 90019

Select From An All Class Bundle (6 Classes For Over 2 Months) Or An Individual Class


Wikipedia definition

Kundalini yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual discipline which is a consolidation of the highest physical and meditative techniques found in the teachings of Raja yoga, Shakti yoga, Bhakti yoga, tantra, Kriya yoga, Laya-yoga, Nada yoga and the pillars and Yoga Sutra of Patanjali. Kundalini yoga is called the yoga of awarenessbecause its practitioners believe that it directly affects ones consciousness, develops intuition, increases self knowledge, and unleashes the unlimited creative potential that exists within every human being.

I want you to really know about Kundalini.

Kunda Means Coiled Energy This Resides At The Base Of Your Spine Awaiting Awakening So It Can Serve You By Truly Regulating The Flow Of Your Energy. I Want You To Know More Than That I Want You To Understand The Essence Of These Teachings Of Kundalini Yoga.

Yoga itself is a mystery wanting to make itself known. That which “Yokes” us gets our attention and that is what yoga sets out to do. Really get your attention. To get you to pay attention starting with the body. Kundalini Yoga is not your every day Hatha strain of yoga. What makes Kundalini Yoga different? Its intent, its actions, its breathing techniques, its lifestyle information and most of all its mantras and sound current.

It is set up to give you a vast experience of the essence of you. It is set up to allow you to experience as Yogi Bhajan would say, “Your depth and dimensions, your altitude and your attitudes, your known and your unknown.”

Kundalini Yoga Covers Everything From Adjusting Your Nervous System, To Balancing Your Chakras, To Improving Your Immune System, To Giving You Mental Clarity, To Things That Make No Sense While You Are Doing Them But Afterward You Feel Great Or Totally Released, Or Deeply Connected.

It is touted as the yoga of awareness. It is that and so much more yet if you awaken your awareness to ever greater awareness you will soon find that you are encompassing the entire Universe and that that is the real intent of Kundalini Yoga. To give you back to you. To give you the capacity and ability to be deeply content, truly happy.

“Yoga” Generally Translated Means Integration Or Union, With Most Experts Agreeing That The Union Is That Of The Soul With The Cosmos Or A Supreme Being.

That being said, yoga comes in many forms specifically designed to suit different kinds of people. As the yoga of awareness, Kundalini is an ancient, specific system using posture-exercises, breathing and sound. Practicing it integrates and balances body, mind and spirit. Kundalini, known as the seat of all knowledge, is one of the few yoga practices, which lifestyle-based principals are practical and easily incorporated into everyday life, regardless of whatever other principals within which you may otherwise operate.


With regular practice, Kundalini has been shown to enhance the nervous and, glandular systems, as well as stimulate the immune system. It has been proven to reduce stress, decrease anxiety and improve concentration. Kundalini, promotes spiritual growth, with students remarking on increased self-awareness, expanded enlightenment and complete self-acceptance. Spending three minutes a day meditating or stretching into a Kundalini Yoga position, provides an immediate payback!

The Blessing Center is located at:
1310 Carmona Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90019

Pricing options

Pay $20 for one course or save when you pay for 6 upfront.